Thursday, January 13, 2011

Free Fun!!!

What do you do when you still feel broke from you adventure vacation, but have cabin fever? Get off your can and go find free fun!

We happend to be walking the dog through the neigborhood trail that we've been down hundreds of times before. Twards the end by the train tracks, there's a pond that we pass.

This pond isn't new to use, but usually don't go down by it this time of year. I usually get code before the dog does, so a quick walk down to the park and back usually does the trick.

For whatever reason we decided to make it a long one and venture down the path. While down there, i got a wild hair to take the dog out on the frozen pond. The neigborhood kids trampled a nice path through the weeds that stand between the path and the pond.

Standing out on the pond, while riley looked at me with new fun delight on the ice, i couldnt help but notice the Grayslake Park District put up the green flag, symboling Safe For Skating!!

Karen and i looked at eachother with sheer excitment and both said, "LETS GET OUR SKATES!!" Without delay, we high tailed it home, loaded up the car with the Dog and skates in tote.

I wasted no time getting my boots off and throwing on my gently used hockey skates from previous seasons. There was only one problem...They've resided in the cold garage only to take the shape of tightly laced dormate skates. This proved a little challenging to get my feet in.

Just like any other mans thought process....just force it in there!

Like a school kid all over again, i headed out. I think the video takes care of the rest of the story....

IceSkating192011 from Tim Copeland on Vimeo.

Whistler Summary!!!

(The music skips a little. Its the video, not you...

Whistler Ski Trip from Tim Copeland on Vimeo.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Get on top!!!!!!

Let there be light!!!

The clouds finally broke today, giving us our first glimpse of a beautiful panoramic view of the area from the top of Whistler mountain. We did a warmup run down Whiskey Jack, which is a nice easy green. That also gave us easy access to the Excalibur gondola, where we could get. Our fist taste of Blackcomb mt.

We played it safe by taking the express green (AKA the.easiest way down, until we felt we got the lay of the land. By the time we got to the bottom, it was just in time for lunch. We're back in our cozy little condo to have some left overs from our lovely dinner last night.

Back to the top after lunch!!!
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Day 2. Wake up!

Wake up!! Time for day two of skiing!!
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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Day 1

Just call me Bode Miller! Day one was a complete success! (despite the fact i couldn't get the stupid zip tie on my lift correctly).but I digress! The worst thing i can think of happening is me having duck feet and having to get wider boots.

Karen. Might as well be Lindsey Von! We both had the times of our life, despite conquering some fears today. I think we both found this mountain a little more advanced than we had imagined in our optimistic minds, however, by the end of the day, we walked away with a feeling of accomplishment.

Now for drinks, hot tub, and a yummy dinner.back at it tomorrow!!!

P.S. Mad props to that five Year old who smoke me on the green hill today.

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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Ooooh Canada!!!!

How do you shave four hours off a flight (that has a connection in LA i might add)that's already delayed 30mins? Go standby on the direct flight that's only a third full! Granted that it was a $50 fee per ticket, but that's a quarter of the extra cost it would have been if I had booked the direct flight in the first place.

So we're on our way to vancouver, where a bus will be waiting for us to takes to Whistler!!

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